Online Travel Booking Sites To San Francisco

The climate is mild and rainy winters 50 to 59 degrees and a dry warm type summers from 59 to 75. The fog rolls in mid summer to autumn.

Using our online travel booking sites to go to San Francisco will give you the cheapest rate on flights, car rentals and hotel rooms.

March is a great time to see the cherry blossoms festival and in April the film festival but the temps are still on the cool side.

June start off with the Gay Parade and of course July is always a bang with the fire works on the 4th lots of festivals are take place and even in August more festivals. Sounds like a party year round.

Here’s something you probably didn’t know but autumn? It is their summer with the warmest temps from 64 to 73 degrees. Days and nights are absolutely gorgeous clear and crisp. We feel the best time to visit San Francisco is from September through October. There is a lot of festivals going on through these months also.

November starts the decline in weather temps and December through February chilly and rainy with normal temps of 52 to 57 degrees. There are a few things going on such as the San Francisco Bowl in December, January has season opens at the War Memorial and in February Chinese New Year parade and the Crab Festival.

In summary, use our online travel booking sites in September for the best and warmest weather. Have a great time in San Francisco

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